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Hey there! Thanks so much for following along with our social media. We want to be clear about some limitations of our social media content so we can all be on the same page. This Social Media Disclaimer aims to inform you of those limitations and to let you know other important details about our social media content.
This Social Media Disclaimer applies to all of Lisa Bertuccio Wellness’ social media content, including but not limited to:
● Facebook: /Lisabertucciowellness

● Tiktok: /Lisabertucciowellness
● Instagram: @Lisabertucciowellness

While we try to keep this Social Media Disclaimer as current as possible, we may launch a new social media account before updating this document. If you see one of our social media accounts but don’t see it listed here, please understand that this disclaimer still applies.

1. Not Personalized Information or Medical Advice. We provide content on our social media for your benefit. That said, the information provided is not specifically customized for you. Everybody is different, so what we suggest or highlight on social media may not be right for you. Also, the information we provide isn’t medical advice. Nothing on our social media is designed to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any physical or mental disease or injury. When making decisions about your health, it is always best to consult a variety of sources, obtain personalized info, and consult your doctor or other medical professional when appropriate.
2. Qualifications. We hold the following professional qualifications and certifications: Certified Health Coach and Board Certified Integrative Health Practitioner.
3. Scope of Practice.
3.1. Here is what we will be doing together: I offer information and education on how to rebalance your body and remove toxicities, and the information I provide about lifestyle, health, wellness, and nutrition is for educational purposes only.
3.2. Here is what we will not be doing together: I do not diagnose, treat or cure any illness or disease.
4. Release of Liability. It is your choice whether to engage with our social media, and your health decisions are your responsibility. By viewing or interacting with our social media, you agree to release, hold harmless, and waive any claims against Lisa Bertuccio Wellness, its officers, members, directors, employees, contractors, or affiliates with regard to any of our social media content, or any injury or other damages you may sustain in relation to such content.
For example, if we suggest a particular food or supplement, you try it, and it turns out you have an unknown allergy, you agree not to sue us. Or if we post an exercise and you try to follow along and hurt yourself, you agree not to sue us. These are only two examples out of millions of types of lawsuits, and we cannot list them all. The bottom line is that you agree not to sue us for any reason with respect to our social media. If you do not agree with this, please do not interact with our social media content.
5. Affiliate Links. We may cost a recommendation or link to a product or service we like. When we do so, please assume that we are compensated when our readers click the link or purchase the product or service. We only post about things that we believe in and feel would be a benefit to you.
6. Not Approved by the FDA. Just because we post about a product or service does not mean it has been evaluated or approved by the FDA or any other regulatory body. In fact, it is best to assume that it has not been evaluated or approved unless we specifically state otherwise.
7. Arbitration. Any controversy or claim arising out of or relating to this Agreement or the breach of this agreement shall be settled exclusively by arbitration. You also agree that should arbitration take place, it will be exclusive to the courts of the State of New York or such other arbitrator mutually agreed upon by the parties. The arbitrator’s decision shall be final, binding on both parties and enforceable in any court of competent jurisdiction. The losing party shall bear the costs of the arbitration. The arbitration award shall be final and binding upon the parties, and the parties hereby waive any rights to appeal or challenge the award to the extent permitted by applicable law. This arbitration clause shall survive the termination or expiration of this contract.
8. Reach Out. Please feel free to connect with Lisa Bertuccio Wellness to ask us any questions. All communications should be directed to


In health,
Lisa Bertuccio Wellness

Social Media Disclaimer

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